Lmao, one of your best submission so far!
Gotta love his dancin' XD
Keep it goin' :D
Lmao, one of your best submission so far!
Gotta love his dancin' XD
Keep it goin' :D
Good, but should have been longer
It ended too fast, that's for sure. If you could extend the fighting a bit longer, it'd probably be better. I can see you have no problem with the animation. Keep it goin' :)
Nothing new, kinda dull
It went to slow, and please make your intro go faster. The O and the X thing was really not usefull, try to make a cool logo with shape tweening err something :)
Is this taken out from a real movie? If it is, let it be a movie, and if there's gonna be any violence, please let it be in the same part of the movie as the dull stuff. It was kinda triggering when that fellah pushed the button, but that was kinda low to be the highlight of the movie.
To be hones, the graphics screwed, if you work 'em a little bit more through, you'll do great!
The sound amused me, thou' :)
I'll give you a 5, it was neither boring nor exciting.
Top notch MGS-WTFness.
Best parody of MGS, ever!
Everything was pretty well done. I hope that you'll do more In-A-Nutshell flashes. XD You should've put some spoiler warnings, though...
Great job! ^^
At first, I thought this was gonna be one of those noobish CS soundboards, which I glad it wasn't. :D I've heard the song itself before and I used to play CS, so I thought the flash was pretty well done. You usually timed the sounds pretty well. Near perfection, I'd say.
Now the stuff you could have done better. It was a bit repetive, you could have drawn and animated from another angle to make it less repetive. Before the AWP came in, you could have added in the "AK-scene". Same goes with PARA/Bomb. And it's not possible in CS to have a TMP and an AWP with you (normally), but that doesn't matter so much. :P
Overall, you were two inches from perfection.
yeah i know, yeah i know, yeah i know and yeah i know rofl
and as for the "u cant have a tmp and an awp/m".... Bend with me here!! XD
Totally awesome! =D
Wow, you really got spot on with this one ^_^
The song was a little tacky, but, hey, overall's still 10 for this one :D
Not much interactivity, nor violence, but that would have ruined this movie, it was really cute^^
The graphics were absolutely magnificent, you really, really took your time on this one =O
Is it made by one or more persons? It would have taken me half-a-year to do this if I worked really hard every day :O
Well, this stuff is great, deserves frontpage ^^
Neil did the music, I did the visuals. It took me just under 4 weeks. ;)
It was kinda random, and funny too. XD
I'll look forward to the next one!
Gotta love that comic strip.
Well, you didn't exactly design your own graphics, but rather took it straight from the comic strip, which is fine. The music didn't fit in quite right, but it was ok. There were some parts you could animate a bit better, like in that Inn scene. But I was just wondering, don't you need permission from Scott first or something?
Good job.
Sent him an email. If he dont want it to be here or anywhere else I will remove it :P
Looking forward to next part! ^^
That was some good stuff there. I can recognize some "Ryo The Kid"-style, which is good. The story looks good so far, and I hope it will get better in the next part. And nice animation, btw. :)
We're just some retards who enjoy making funny flash movies and worship Kirby. And btw, s.w.0.0.t means Suckers With Ownage Offering Technics. :)
Age 34, Male
Flash animation
..Too easy
Oslo, Norway
Joined on 1/13/06